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Old 12-15-2023, 11:23 AM   #9
jeffwalker began at the beginning.
Posts: 15
Karma: 10
Join Date: Oct 2019
Device: Kobo Forma
Just timed it. After double clicking the icon Calibre took 10 minutes to open. Possibly it will open every time after 10 minutes but I am force quitting it before that.

Here's the terminal output for calibre-debug -g

calibre 7.2  embedded-python: True
macOS-14.2-x86_64-i386-64bit Darwin ('64bit', '')
('Darwin', '23.2.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 23.2.0: Wed Nov 15 21:54:10 PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.61.3~2/RELEASE_X86_64')
Python 3.11.5
OSX: ('14.2', ('', '', ''), 'x86_64')
Interface language: None
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Kobo Utilities (2, 16, 13)
QPA platform: cocoa
devicePixelRatio: 2.0
logicalDpi: 72.0 x 72.0
physicalDpi: 108.50000162950651 x 107.50000161448803
Using calibre Qt style: True
[0.00] Starting up...
2023-12-15 16:17:36.274 calibre-debug[13882:477734] WARNING: Secure coding is not enabled for restorable state! Enable secure coding by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState: and returning YES.
[0.01] Showing splash screen...
[0.17] splash screen shown
[0.17] Initializing db...
[1.60] db initialized
[1.60] Constructing main UI...
DEBUG:    0.0 Kobo Utilities Configuration - CreateNewCustomColumn is supported
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG:    0.9 No Kobo Touch, Glo or Mini appears to be connected
DEBUG:    0.9 rebuild_menus - self.supports_ratings=None, self.supports_tiles=None
DEBUG:    0.9 KoboUtilities:set_toolbar_button_tooltip - start: text='None'
DEBUG:    0.9 device_driver_name - could not load extended driver. Exception= No module named 'calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended'
DEBUG:    0.9 KoboUtilities:set_toolbar_button_tooltip - setting to text='Utilities to use with Kobo ereaders

Driver: KoboTouch'
DEBUG:    0.9 device_driver_name - could not load extended driver. Exception= No module named 'calibre_plugins.kobotouch_extended'
[2.72] main UI initialized...
[2.72] Hiding splash screen
[2.83] GUI main window shown
[2.96] QuickView starting
[2.96] QuickView started
[3.12] splash screen hidden
[3.12] Started up in 3.12 seconds with 1255 books
[5.70] Starting the smartdevice driver
As I mentioned before, running Calibre from a terminal it always opens instantly, so I'm not sure how helpful this is.
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