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Old 10-29-2009, 11:56 AM   #5
tautologico is on a distinguished road
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Originally Posted by =X= View Post
* Larger catalog: Carefull here over 750,000 books are from google. The world has access to thos books B&N just integrated google through their Book store. So in reality B&N has 250K books amazon has 350K. Also the SONY store has access to the same books. The bad thing is those books are in ePUB format and have been OCR'd using google technology. And man they are awful.

* Zooming is a real nice to have esp if you read books with charts and graphs.

* PDF Reflow I can't stand it the SONY/Adobe did such a bad job chances are it will look just as bad on the nook. I tend to read my PDF w/o reflow and take the time to strip off the margin and header/footers.

* KindleDX is probably the way to go, but my understanding is there are some limitations on the PDF support.

* Book Lending not really a plus if your close to your GF you can add her device with your account, all eInk support (SONY, Amazon, Adobe) and there is no limit on how long you can lend a book doing it this way. The down side is you share a credit card/account.
Good points, especially about the catalog. I didn't know that.

As for PDFs, following your indication in the other thread I tried PaperCrop and it does a very good job. I generate images and put them in the picture folder of the Kindle, and it works (except for gif images, the kindle didn't like them). It is not the ideal but it serves as a stop-gap solution to read papers on the small screen.
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