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Old 02-07-2024, 06:17 AM   #5
Greg001 began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by kandwo View Post
Yes, I use it as my main and only phone when I'm out and about. I've used it in this capacity ever since it got released and I bought it. Before that I used the A5 Pro. Both have worked great. If your goal is to be more mindful of how you spend your time on the phone and you want to do more reading, then this phone is truly great. All phone functions work without a problem and navigation using either Google Maps or Osmand/Organic maps does, too.

I have an old LCD smartphone at home that I store another SIM card in - otherwise it sometimes gets used as a camera and alarm clock. But I don't use it as a phone nor do I do anything else on it.
One question about price.

The Green 6GB A9 phone price on the site of The Chosen Store is listed as 460 euros. I read reviews when the phone was released and I believe hearing the initial sales price was around US$350, but I could be wrong.

Shipping to Western Europe is 75 euros.

Import duties to France: 20%, or 92 euros of the sales price.

Total price for the A9 shipped to France: 627 euros. Is that about right? the price seems steep for a small experimental e-ink phone.
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