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Old 11-25-2023, 05:20 PM   #9
parkaymang began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by parkaymang View Post
I think my post #4 in this thread got delayed because it needed "moderator approval".
But in it i installed the linux EDL and got the output about the loader. It does seem like its sdm662.

Could i just use these instructions to pull the boot image, patch with magisk and flash on my current version?

 EDL mode
cd ..
adb reboot edl # reboot to edl
# ./edl/edl --loader=Qualcomm_662_loader.elf &&\
./edl/edl --loader=./edl/Loaders/qualcomm/factory/sdm662/0014d0e100000000_d40eee56f3194665_FHPRG.bin &&\
    ./edl/edl r boot_a boot_a &&\
    ./edl/edl reset # use EDL loader, pull boot_a and reset 

t=45; echo "> waiting ${t}s for reboot" && sleep $t
adb push boot_a /sdcard/Download/
read -erp '> please install via Magisk and press <Return> when finished..'
patchedfile=$(adb shell 'ls -1 /sdcard/Download/' | tail -1 | grep patched)
adb pull /sdcard/Download/$patchedfile
adb reboot bootloader
t=15; echo "waiting ${t}s for bootloader" && sleep $t

read -erp '> flash (1); boot only (2): ' prompt
case $prompt in
    1) fastboot flash boot $patchedfile ;;
    2) fastboot boot $patchedfile ;;
    *) echo "no valid option; exiting, but remaining in fastboot mode. You may try 'fastboot flash boot ${patchedfile}' for flashing or 'fastboot boot ${patchedfile}' for testing yourself." && exit 1
echo "> booting $patchedfile"
echo "> all done; I hope it worked : )"
Since I had to wait half a day for mobileread to approve my post and question above, I just decided to try the above. Would still value your feedback though @renate.

First at your suggestion, I used edl rf xxx.bin to dump full flash.

Then I followed the instructions above
Used edl r as above to pull boot_a
Then patched it w/ Magisk on my device
then pulled patched img back to computer and then ran fastboot boot with it first to test, and then fastboot flash boot after it looked like it worked.

Seems I am rooted now on 3.3.2 through multiple reboots

Anything that I need to keep in mind since i didn't do it with debooxupx? I never flashed vbmeta for instance.

Should I go back and do it the other way for?
and for 3.5, should I do it with debooxupx and then update on device and then flash, or can I just update to 3.5 on my device the way it is, and use the linux instructions above again?


(this post will probably need another half day to get approved...)
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