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Old 08-11-2023, 06:52 PM   #41
modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!
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Originally Posted by TWHanson1 View Post
Thanks for you reply.
This one could apply to me: 2. "You are reading the loan with a Kindle"
Are you saying that, if I remove the book from my Kindle, then I should be able to copy it? How would I do that?
Libby does not allow users to read a loan on a Kindle and still download the title as an acsm/epub.

If you chose to read with a Kindle, the loan will not be available for download (the loan is locked to the Kindle format). Similarly, if you chose to download the acsm/epub, the loan becomes locked to the acsm/epub format and will not be available for reading on a Kindle.

In your situation, because the loan is already "format-locked" to the Kindle, it cannot be downloaded anymore. Removing the current loan from Kindle will not make a difference.

The only way to download the loan with the plugin is to return and re-borrow the title. This will format-lock the loan to the epub format and you cannot read it on the Kindle without returning and borrowing again.

The next test version will have an option to see Kindle loans and create an empty book from the loan. That is meant for people who just want an empty book for tracking their reading in calibre.
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