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Old 04-15-2021, 06:12 PM   #9
RWTS began at the beginning.
Posts: 45
Karma: 10
Join Date: May 2020
Device: Nook
Posts like this always tickle my curiosity: Why do some users seem to have nothing but problems with the Nook, while the Nook works great for others? Is it the operating system the Nook is connected to (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook) or the software used to transfer books (ADE, Calibre, drag and drop)?

I began with the Simple Touch, upgraded a few years ago to the GlowLight 3 for the light and splurged on the GlowLight Plus for the bigger screen. I've been very happy with all three. The older two devices are still used daily by family members.

It seems the two biggest issues are shelves and sideloading. I can't speak about shelves, since I don't use that feature. But I'm a heavy library user so I'm always sideloading. If I had issues transferring my books I wouldn't be a happy Nook user.

For what it's worth, I'm a Windows user and have used Nooks with XP through 10. I'm currently using 8.1 and 10. I use ADE 4.5 to authorize loans and to transfer the books to my Nook. I used to drag and drop books from sources like Project Gutenberg, but I now use ADE for that, too. I don't use Calibre, which seems very popular on this site. I open ADE, connect my Nook, transfer books, close ADE and then eject the Nook via Windows.

Or is it how we use our Nooks that trigger issues?

I load a few books on, read one at a time and then remove them. I'm the type that rarely reads a book a second time (or if I do, it's years later), hence why the library works for me. I don't have dozens or hundreds or thousands of books loaded on my Nook.

Is it that Nooks can't handle large libraries? Might that be why I haven't run into some of the issues others have experienced? No offense to those having problems, but I find the contrast in experiences fascinating.
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