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Old 06-27-2017, 02:10 AM   #1
Inukami began at the beginning.
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Question eBook/Comic/Manga Library Management Workflow: How do you manage your library?

Hi Everyone,

I’m still in experimental stage regarding my eBook/Comic library and would like to know how everyone else manages their libraries? I have put this post in the Calibre forum because it is at the heart of the whole library management. I think without it, nothing else would be possible. But it may also warrant attention from other groups…like CC, Marvin.

I think I have pretty much worked how I will be managing my eBooks, but I’m still unsure how I will manage my eComic/Manga library, so I would in particular be interested how everyone manages those libraries. I have provided information on how I proposed to manage mine and some questions.

Basically both types will be in one Calibre library, especially if I want to use CC (as a catalogue) for both, as doesn’t allow multiple libraries.

Operating System: Mac O SX (most recent) with iBooks & Kindle for Mac and/or Microsoft PC with Calibre, CC, ComicRack
  • iPad 4: Most recent iOS with Calibre Companion, Marvin 3 (ComicRack)
  • iPhone 6: Most recent iOS with Calibre Companion, Marvin 3
Calibre Version: 3.0.0
  • Calibre Plugins: DRM, Reading List, Eject, Count Pages, Metadata Writer and maybe ComicVine
  • Library: One library with ebooks and emanga sorted by custom column
  • Formats: epub, azw, cbz (text if use CC as catalogue)
  • Cloud: Dropbox (?). Originally I was going to use Dropbox to house my library but now not sure if I need it/could use it and just better on computer.

E-Book Library (located on mac computer)

For my books, I’m thinking that I will actually use iBook & Kindle for when reading new books from them as I don’t actually mind the readers and books are synced, and when finished reading, import them into Calibre and either transfer via wifi to CC as books (epub) or as catalogue (txt). My iPad has a lot of space so potentially could fit my current ebook library but not really sure if I need it if most of the books are on the default readers anyway (on cloud) where books were bought from and because my library will increase. I seem to be leaning towards using CC more as a catalogue so if I want to read an old book, I can check the blurb. This would also be good to use for new books, as sometimes I buy/get and don’t get around to it later, so forget the content… Would this work?
  1. Import books into Calibre
    • I use automator for mac which copies books from iBooks and Kindle which I download to auto import folder so when I next open Calibre it imports (DRM) any new books.
    • Make relevant changes (converting, editing metadata, etc…)
    • Either transfer books to CC and open in Marvin OR use as catalogue with text files and find book in other reader (iBook/Kindle).
  2. Backup: Take backup on external hardrive, USB and maybe the cloud (if my internet was moderately faster.
  3. In iBooks/Kindle: I would have READ and TRANSFER collections. READ would imply that I have already read the book and transferred to Calibre while TRANSFER still needed to be added to Calibre and then those books could be put into the READ collection.

E-Manga Library

I’m not quite sure how I should manage my e-comic/manga library. Either way I need to import them into Calibre (DRM, convert, metadata etc…). But after that, I’m not sure what I should do next. Obviously the manga files are a lot larger than the books, so I wouldn’t be able to keep them on CC as data as it would fill my iPad very quickly. So I think my best option is to have them on CC as a catalogue so I can still look them up when needed. If I want to read them either transfer as READING LIST to Marvin using Calibre (?)/through CC or using ComicRack with wifi to iPad so that I only have the manga that I’m currently reading/to read on my ipad. If possible I would like to get out of using another program to manage manga on another computer (PC), but if you think ComicRack is better at managing a comic/manga library then willing to use it as well. I think they will be in Calibre anyway especially as I want to keep CC catalogue.
  1. Import manga/comics into Calibre
    • Make relevant changes (converting, editing metadata, etc…)
  2. Next
    • Transfer to ComicRack and use Wifi to iPad OR
    • Send to Marvin or CC from Calibre (this might get confusing with the other text files)
    • Dropbox: I would like to use Dropbox but as the files are usually quite large, not sure if worth it. Yes they would be accessible anywhere, but can take ages to download, and would probably be home/with wifi when transferring/updating reading list anyway. Maybe I’m just impatient.
  3. Backup: Take backup on external hardrive, USB and maybe the cloud (if my internet was moderately faster).

I have been puzzling through this for a while so any help, advice or just letting me know how you manage (workflow) your various libraries would be appreciated. I have probably thought about this way too much, but want to get is right (set up), and then it’s all good. Hopefully everything is understandable.

to all the developers (and others who help out) of these great software that allow us to manage our books so wonderfully.

eBook/Comic Library Management Workflow: How do you manage your library?
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