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Old 09-07-2016, 06:07 AM   #12
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morpa began at the beginning.
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Device: Kobo H20
Originally Posted by cfgr View Post

Hi, as so many Kobo owners apparently 'drop' their eReader, causing the screen to break (as stated by the Kobo Help Team) i found a replacement screen for the DIY among us. Beware however: on opening your device the warranty is voided AND waterproofing is no longer guaranteed !!! But at the price it is far cheaper than a new eReader. And the "drop" story from the help team (?) doesn't hold: mine just broke due to the high temperatures on the beach where the eReader in his (original BLACK Kobo) magnetic cover got VERY hot indeed. A glass specialist said this could very well be the cause of the broken screen glass. Either thru tension or due to bad design. Whatever: my H²O is as new now. Why the Rakuten Corp doesn't provide the replacement as a (paid) service is either a mystery or a well defined business model to sell more eReaders. Kind of 'build-in planned obsolescence'. :-(
The link to the replacement screen:
Thanks a lot for your story, my screen broke too the other day, and I was looking for a replacement. Will order it today.
I agree - of course Rakuten should offer a replacement service, and of course they don't, as they rather see us buy new devices. The same procedure with many companys today, be it phone or computers. .

I've only been browsing this forum earlier, and I see some users are very quick to defend the Kobo readers. Hey - I love my Kobo too - that doesn't mean I dont think there should be replacement parts, that it's quite slow, (even more for certain filetypes like pdf), and that the firmware is pretty basic. They can only get better. I'm looking forward too the Aura One, and will give the H20 to my father.
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