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Old 11-02-2011, 05:38 PM   #2
remcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timeremcdonald possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Time
Posts: 60
Karma: 49376
Join Date: Jul 2010
Device: Kobo, Kobo Touch
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Lookbook is not made by Kobo. It seems to be made by a generic company based of the literati which is a low budget sort of crappy reader that will work with the Kobo store. As for adapters don't know where you could find one if it's a generic plug in radio shack or future shop might carry them. Good Luck.
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